Creative Strategist

Summary: The Creative Strategist is the bridge between the brand's left and right brains. The creative team—the right brain—is focused on the creativity and innovations required to create an effective ad. On the other hand, the media team—the left brain—is focused on analytics, ad performance, and business goals. Creative Strategists merge emotion and logic. They find the sweet spot between creative theory and media reality to maximize marketing results. They develop comprehensive briefs that outline a brand's objectives and requirements, covering timelines, budgets, target audiences, and deliverables. a creative strategist may gather insights and data to inform the direction. This research may include competitor analysis, customer research, and trend analysis. Creative strategists work with a brand solutions team to bring ideas to life. It may involve overseeing the creative process, providing feedback and edits, and meeting deadlines.

Creative Producer

Creative Producer

Director of Photography (DOP)

DOP (Director of photography)

Associate - Brand Solutions

Associate - Brand Solutions